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II COLLOQUIUM JESEDU-Global2021 is an international gathering for the leadership teams of our Jesuit schools to be held during this Ignatian Year. The first Colloquium was held nine years ago in Boston, USA in 2012. 

This unique global colloquium will be held as a purely online global event from the 28th of June (Monday) to the 2nd of July (Friday) 2021. It will be hosted by the International Commission on the Apostolate of Jesuit Education (ICAJE) and organized by the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP) with the Steering Committee based in the Philippines, and with the support of the Secretariat for Education of the Society of Jesus and Educate Magis. 

Approximately 500 participants from the six conferences of the Society of Jesus are expected to attend. 

Conference Theme

The Jesuit Global Network of Schools: Discerning for a Hope-filled Future

The theme alludes to one of the Universal Apostolic Preferences as it highlights the focus of our educational mission: “To accompany young people in the creation of a hope-filled future.”  

How can we undertake this mission of accompaniment in a world increasingly plagued with global problems? 

Moreover, this Ignatian Year invites us to reflect on the conversion of the soldier Inigo de Loyola 500 years ago, when his life was disrupted by a cannonball, leaving his leg–and his worldly dreams–broken. His life after Pamplona turned into a pilgrimage, a lifelong search for where God was leading him. 

Due to the global pandemic, Jesuit schools today know what disruption is like, exposing to us the flaws and limitations of our current educational structures and systems. The COVID 19 crisis has been our cannonball moment. 

Like the convalescent soldier, we are invited to conversion–a change in our usual way of proceeding–and to join Ignatius in a pilgrimage that will hopefully continue transforming Jesuit education. Given all the uncertainties and new questions that we will encounter along the way, perhaps all we will be capable of is to limp along this pilgrimage and like Ignatius, encounter detours and dead ends. 

But we can learn from our founder: To be courageous despite uncertainties and to be open so that we can truly discern where our mission of Jesuit education is being led. Our most recent document A Living Tradition offers us a contemporary understanding of Jesuit Education and its global identifiers. Moreover, it invites us to continue, precisely, the kind of discernment that we need in our current context. 

We are also aware that our colloquium will take place when Pope Francis has called for a broad New Compact on Education that can bring hope and transformation to our broken world and provide access to all to the quality education needed today. 

Thankfully, we can draw from the long and rich history and tradition of Jesuit education, and we have a compass in the four Universal Apostolic Preferences. 


To discern, as a global network, the shape and direction of our educational ministry given the disruption caused by the global pandemic. 


What self-reinvention do we need to undergo to transform ourselves into responsive and resilient Jesuit schools for a post-pandemic world?  

What initial steps might we take to begin this pilgrimage? 


The Colloquium will have four strands—each focusing on an important goal in the contemporary mission of Jesuit education: